"Sweeney Todd" is a dark and thrilling musical that tells the chilling tale of Benjamin Barker, a skilled barber known as Sweeney Todd. Set in 19th-century London, the story revolves around Todd's quest for revenge against the corrupt Judge Turpin, who wrongfully imprisoned him and stole his wife and daughter.
This fresh approach to the classic tale faithfully conveys the magic of Dickens. On Christmas Eve in 1843 friends and family gathered at Dickens' home ask him to tell a story, but he refuses to work on Christmas Eve. If there is going to be a story, each must take a part in its telling. And so the story unfolds with the cast of 10 playing over 40 parts.
"2 Across" is a delightful comedy play that takes place on a San Francisco BART train (Bay Area Rapid Transit). The story revolves around two strangers, a man and a woman, who find themselves sitting together on a morning commute. As the journey progresses, they engage in a clever and humorous battle of wits through a crossword puzzle.
"Arsenic and Old Lace" is a classic dark comedy play written by Joseph Kesselring. The story follows the eccentric Brewster family residing in Brooklyn. On the surface, they seem like an ordinary, quirky bunch, but beneath their charming facade lies a sinister secret.
"Church Basement Ladies" is a heartwarming and comedic musical that takes place in a small Midwestern town. The story revolves around a group of women who tirelessly work behind the scenes in the church basement, preparing food and organizing events for the congregation.