On behalf of myself and my minor child, I agree to assume the risk of any injury, damage or loss, regardless of severity, which my child may sustain as a result of participating in activities connected or associated with Dakota Stage Ltd and Shade Tree Players. I waive and relinquish all claims my child or I may have against Dakota Stage Ltd and Shade Tree Players and its officers, agents and employees as a result of participating in Dakota Stage Ltd and Shade Tree Players’ activities.
I fully release and discharge Dakota Stage Ltd and Shade Tree Players and its officers, agents and employees from any and all claims from injuries, damages or losses which may befall my child on account of his or her participation in Dakota Stage Ltd and Shade Tree Players activities.
I further agree to indemnify and hold harmless Dakota Stage Ltd and Shade Tree Players and its officers, agents and employees from any and all claims resulting from injuries, damages and losses sustained by my child or arising out of, connected with or in any way associated with the activities of Dakota Stage Ltd and Shade Tree Players.
I have read and fully understand the above Waiver and Release of Claims.
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